Manage datasets and their versions
📄️ Get Active Datasets
Retrieve a list of all active datasets
📄️ Add Dataset
Create a new dataset
📄️ Update Dataset
Update an existing dataset
📄️ Get Dataset Programs
Retrieve a list of dataset programs for a specific program, version type, start date and stop date
📄️ Get Dataset by Program
Retrieve a dataset by its program ID
📄️ Get Dataset Programs
Retrieve dataset programs for specified of program and version IDs
📄️ Get Dataset Data with Tree
Retrieve dataset data for a specific program and version ID with tree data
📄️ Get Dataset Data
Retrieve dataset data for a specific program and version ID with or without tree data
📄️ Load Dataset
Retrieve the complete dataset, including realm and program data
📄️ Load Program (paginated)
Retrieve a paginated list of programs for a specific program ID
📄️ Get Planning Unit for Dataset
Retrieve planning unit data for a specific program and version ID