Manage supply plan programs with support for planning units, procurement agents, and realm-based access control
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs (load)
Retrieve a list of supply plan programs for load
📄️ Get Version List for Supply Plan Program (load)
Retrieve a list of versions for a specific supply plan program
📄️ Get Planning Units mapped to Supply Plan Programs
Retrieve a list of planning units for a list of supply plan programs
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs
Retrieve a list of active supply plan programs
📄️ Update Program
Update an existing supply plan program
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs (All)
Retrieve a list of all supply plan programs
📄️ Add Supply Plan Program
Initialize a new supply plan program
📄️ Save Planning Unit for Program
Add and update planning units for a specific program
📄️ Save Procurement Agent Prices for Program Planning Unit
Save procurement agent prices for a specific supply plan program planning unit
📄️ Get Procurement Agents for Program Planning Unit
Retrieve a list of procurement agents for a specific supply plan program planning unit
📄️ Get Programs by Product Categories
Retrieve a simple list of programs by product category IDs
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs for Realm Countries
Retrieve a simple list of supply plan programs by realm country IDs
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs for Realm
Retrieve a list of supply plan programs for a specific realm
📄️ Get Supply Plan Program Details
Retrieve details for a specific supply plan program
📄️ Get Planning Units for Supply Plan Program
Retrieve a list of planning units for a specific supply plan program
📄️ Get Planning Units for Supply Plan Program
Retrieve a list of all planning units for a specific supply plan program
📄️ Get Planning Units for Program and Tracer Category
Retrieve a list of planning units for a specific program and tracer categories
📄️ Get Simple Planning Units for Program and Tracer Category
Retrieve a list of simple planning units for a specific program and tracer categories
📄️ Get Planning Units for Supply Plan Program and Product Category
Retrieve a list of planning units for a specific supply plan program and product category
📄️ Get Program and Planning Units
Retrieve a list of programs and planning units given a list of supply plan programs