Funding Source
Manages funding sources and their types
📄️ Get Funding Sources
Retrieve a list of all active funding sources
📄️ Add Funding Source
Create a new funding source
📄️ Update Funding Source
Update an existing funding source
📄️ Get Funding Source Display Name
Retrieve the display name for a funding source by its realm ID and name.
📄️ Get Funding Sources for Realm
Retrieve a list of funding sources for a given realm, identified by its ID.
📄️ Get Funding Source
Retrieve a funding source by its ID.
📄️ Get Funding Source Types
Retrieve a list of all active funding source types.
📄️ Add Funding Source Type
Add a new funding source type.
📄️ Update Funding Source Type
Update an existing funding source type.
📄️ Get Funding Source Types for Realm
Retrieve a list of funding source types for a given realm, identified by its ID.
📄️ Get Funding Source Type
Retrieve a funding source type by its ID.