Realm Country
Manage realm country assignments and their associated planning units
📄️ Get Realm Countries
Retrieve a list of realm countries
📄️ Add Realm Country
Add a list of realm countries
📄️ Update Realm Country
Update a list of realm countries
📄️ Save Planning Unit for Country
Save a list of planning units (administrative reporting units) for a given realm country
📄️ Get Realm Countries for Active Programs
Retrieve a list of realm countries for active programs
📄️ Get Realm Countries for Active Programs by Realm ID
Retrieve a list of realm countries for active programs by their realm ID
📄️ Get Planning Units for Program List
Retrieve a list of planning units (administrative reporting units) for a given list of program IDs
📄️ Get Realm Country by Realm
Retrieve a list of realm countries by their realm ID
📄️ Get Realm Country
Retrieve a realm country by its ID
📄️ Get Planning Units for Country
Retrieve a list of planning units (administrative reporting units) for a given realm country
📄️ Get all Planning Units for Country
Retrieve a list of all planning units (administrative reporting units) for a given realm country