Provide filtered dropdown data for UI components across programs, planning units, and other system entities
📄️ Get Budgets by Funding Sources
Retrieve a list of budgets filtered on a list of funding sources
📄️ Get Budgets by Program
Retrieve a list of budgets for a specific program
📄️ Get Programs for Realm
Retrieve a list of programs for a realm
📄️ Get Equivalency Units
Retrieve a list of equivalency units
📄️ Get All Forecasting Units
Retrieve a complete list of forecasting units
📄️ Get Forecasting Units (Autocomplete)
Retrieve a list of forecasting units filtered on autocomplete input
📄️ Get Forecasting Units by Tracer Category
Retrieve a list of forecasting units filtered by tracer category (autocomplete input)
📄️ Get Forecasting Units by Product and Tracer Categories
Retrieve a list of forecasting units filtered on product and tracer categories
📄️ Get Funding Sources
Retrieve a list of funding sources
📄️ Get Funding Sources by Programs
Retrieve a list of funding sources filtered on a list of program IDs
📄️ Get Funding Source Types by Programs
Retrieve a list of funding source types filtered on a list of program IDs
📄️ Get Health Areas without ACL Filter
Retrieve a list of health areas for a specific realm without ACL Filter
📄️ Get Health Areas
Retrieve a list of health areas for a specific realm
📄️ Get Health Areas by Realm Countries
Retrieve a list of health areas filtered on a list of realm country IDs
📄️ Get Organisations without ACL Filter
Retrieve a list of organisations for a specific realm without ACL Filter
📄️ Get Organisations
Retrieve a list of organisations for a specific realm
📄️ Get Organisations by Country
Retrieve a list of organisations for a specific realm country
📄️ Get All Planning Units
Retrieve a complete list of planning units
📄️ Get Planning Units
Retrieve a list of planning units, filtering on an autocomplete input
📄️ Get Planning Units by Product Category
Retrieve a sortable list of planning units filtered by product category
📄️ Get Planning Units with Forecasting Units
Retrieve a simple list of active planning units with forecasting units
📄️ Get Planning Units by Program and Version
Retrieve a list of planning units filtered on a program and version
📄️ Get Planning Units by Program and Tracer Category
Retrieve a list of planning units filtered on a list of program IDs and tracer category
📄️ Get Procurement Agents
Retrieve a list of procurement agents
📄️ Get Procurement Agents by Programs
Retrieve a list of procurement agents filtered on a list of program IDs
📄️ Get Programs for Realm (expanded)
Retrieve a list of programs for a realm with additional details
📄️ Get Programs for Realm (expanded) without ACL Filter
Retrieve a list of programs for a realm with additional details without ACL Filter
📄️ Get Forecast Programs for Realm (expanded)
Retrieve a list of forecast programs for a realm with additional details
📄️ Get Forecast Programs for Realm and HealthArea and RealmCountry
Retrieve a list of forecast programs for a realm and health area and realm country
📄️ Get Forecast Programs for Multiple RealmCountry
Retrieve a list of forecast programs for multiple realm countries
📄️ Get Forecast Programs for Realm (expanded) without ACL Filter
Retrieve a list of forecast programs for a realm with additional details without ACL Filter
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs by Realm Countries and Health Areas
Retrieve a list of supply plan programs filtered on a list of realm country IDs and health area IDs
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs for Realm (expanded)
Retrieve a list of supply plan programs for a realm with additional details
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs for Realm and HealthArea and RealmCountry
Retrieve a list of supply plan programs for a realm and health area and realm country
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs for Multiple RealmCountry
Retrieve a list of supply plan programs for multiple realm countries
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs for Realm (expanded) without ACL Filter
Retrieve a list of supply plan programs for a realm with additional details without ACL Filter
📄️ Get Programs by Version Status and Version Type
Retrieve a list of programs filtered on version status and version type
📄️ Get Realm Countries without ACL Filter
Retrieve a list of countries for a specific realm without ACL Filter
📄️ Get Realm Countries
Retrieve a list of countries for a specific realm
📄️ Get Supply Plan Programs for Realm
Retrieve a list of supply plans programs for a realm
📄️ Get Tracer Categories
Retrieve a list of tracer categories
📄️ Get Tracer Categories by Programs
Retrieve a list of tracer categories filtered on a list of program IDs
📄️ Get Tree Templates
Retrieve a list of tree templates
📄️ Get Users
Retrieve a list of users for a dropdown
📄️ Get Version List for Dataset Program
Retrieve a list of versions for a specific dataset program
📄️ Get Version List for Dataset Programs
Retrieve a list of versions for a list of dataset programs
📄️ Get Version List for Supply Plan Program
Retrieve a list of versions for a specific supply plan program
📄️ Get Version List for Supply Plan Programs
Retrieve a list of versions for a list of supply plan programs