Health Area
Manages health area definitions
📄️ Get Health Areas
Retrieve a complete list of all health areas.
📄️ Add Health Area
Add a new health area.
📄️ Update Health Area
Update an existing health area.
📄️ Get Health Area by Display Name
Retrieve the health area based on the given display name and realm, identified by its ID.
📄️ Get Health Areas for Program
Retrieve a list of health areas that are associated with active programs.
📄️ Get Health Areas for Program by Realm
Retrieve a complete list of health areas that are associated with the given realm, identified by its ID.
📄️ Get Health Areas for Realm Country
Retrieve a list of health areas for a given realm country, identified by its ID.
📄️ Get Health Areas for Realm
Retrieve a list of health areas for a given realm, identified by its ID.
📄️ Get Health Area
Retrieve a health area by its ID.